the secure exit shade

Peace of Mind Solution for the Ones You Love

A simple and reliable way to ensure the safety of students, teachers, and staff.

secure your exits with the exit shade

The easy solution for everyday heroes.

children playing

Public or Private Schools

The Secure Exit Shade was designed for keeping children and young adults safely within their classroom in case of an emergency or lockdown. Designed to cover most standard classroom windows, the Secure Exit Shade completely obscures the classroom from the outside. Instructions on the inside of the shade support the personnel or teachers in using the four-color wheel and communicating to emergency personnel the status of their classroom. The Secure Exit Shade is a reliable, safe and extremely easy solution to today’s growing violence on school grounds.

"As a parent and teacher, safety has become a bigger problem in our schools today. I think the Secure Exit Shade would really ease my fear and help me prepare and know what to do in an emergency situation."

— Lisa Nolan, Teacher

Government or Federal Buildings

Government and federal employees deserve to feel safe and secure while working. The Secure Exit Shade can be used on most doors within federal or government buildings. Similar to how a classroom would use the shade, employees and staff can safely and easily communicate with outside emergency responders in case of an onsite emergency.

federal building

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— Client Name,

Group Program

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the secure exit shade is perfect for...

Teachers who want a secure, reliable solution for emergency situations.

The Secure Exit Shade was designed for classrooms. Our #1 goal is keeping kids, teachers, and administrators safe. 

Office or federal buildings.

The Secure Exit Shade fits most general-sized doors. We also have custom-sized options for your unique office needs.

Your peace of mind.

There’s no better way to keep your loved one safe than with the Secure Exit Shade. Learn more about how the shade is made in our FAQs.

How to Order

Ordering is as easy as 1-2-3! Fill out the form on the Contact Us page, share with us how you’ll be using the Secure Exit Shade, and we’ll get back to you within 24 hours to place your order.

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